Submission Guidelines — SISAP 2017

Research papers

SISAP 2017 allows for three forms of submissions: long research papers (from 9 to 14 pages), short research papers (of up to 8 pages) and demo papers (of up to 8 pages). Full papers are expected to be descriptions of complete technical work, whereas short papers can describe innovative approaches or preliminary results which may nevertheless require more work to mature. Vision papers and other position papers should be submitted as short research papers.

Demo papers

Demo submissions should provide the motivation for the demonstrated concepts, the information about the technology and the system to be demonstrated (including a system description, functionality and figures when applicable), and should state the significance of the contribution. The scenarios within which the demonstration applies should also be explained. Evaluation criteria for the demonstration proposals include: novelty, technical advances and challenges, and the overall practical attractiveness of the demonstrated system.


By submitting a paper, its authors commit to its presentation at the conference in the event that the paper is accepted. For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, at least one of its authors must register for the conference. At SISAP 2017, all research papers will be presented both orally and in a poster session. The demos will also be presented in the poster session — posters should be prepared for these as well. All research and demo papers will be given an entry in the conference proceedings.

Formatting your submission

Papers submitted to SISAP 2017 must be written in English and formatted according to the LNCS guidelines. Papers will be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair. If you experience any problems during the submission, please contact the Program Committee Co-Chairs at [email protected]. Please note that SISAP does not perform double-blind reviewing — author names and affiliations should be explicitly stated. To ensure a fair review process, the Program Committee Co-Chairs are ineligible to submit papers.

Dual submission policy

Submitted papers must not be previously published, and must not be under consideration by any other conference during the SISAP review process. Dual submission of a substantially extended version to a journal will be considered, provided that this request is made either at the time of submission to SISAP, or before submission to the journal (whichever occurs later); that the journal also allows dual submission; and that the journal version not be published before the SISAP conference date. The authors must clearly identify the journal in question, and provide a statement of the differences between the two versions.


The proceedings of SISAP will be published by Springer as a volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For SISAP 2017, as in previous years, extended versions of 5 excellent papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the journal Information Systems. The conference will also confer a Best Paper Award, as judged by the Program Committee Co-Chairs and Steering Committee.